one from what I can tell, that provides homes for disabled vets.
The company, Hearts Moving Mountains, markets and sells
T-Shirts, iTunes, and other products, pretending that they are a charity or are
donating ALL of the proceeds to charity. In fact, they are in the
business of selling products AND, POSSIBLY, donating what is leftover to some
worthwhile charities.

At first I simply asked them to promote our WHITE HOUSE
petition asking President Obama to end the negative stigmas against PTSD and
military mental health treatment on a post on their page, but my post never
appeared and they could obviously care less about helping Veterans! As
soon as I contacted them about their credibility, they reported me to Facebook
as a SPAMMER and sent me nasty messages, claiming that I am
"uneducated" when I told them to stop using the term
"HOOAH" because it is an "Army only" term and insults the
rest of us who honorably served
our country in the Air Force, Navy, and Marines! Soon after I was barred from the
site and unable to save the nasty messages ... boy they work fast when they
have something to hide!
I am not saying they are doing a disservice and they may
actually have good intentions, but they are misrepresenting themselves as a
charity when they are a "FOR PROFIT", company a .com, not a
NON-PROFIT, a .org. They lead people to believe that they are donating to
a charity when they visit the websites when in-fact you are taken to a company
website selling products. The non-profit probably gets the
"merchandise" at the wholesale price, which includes a tidy profit
for the company, and are sold at a higher price to generate income for the
non-profit...probably much less than the t-shirt and manufacturer makes on the
deal! Here is what they advertise:
"You can also buy Patriotic T shirts at Hearts Moving
Mountains and "all net
got to Homes For Our Troops!"
Here is the definition of "net proceeds" according
to Financial Dictionary - The Free dictionary website:
"net proceeds": The revenues from the sale of an asset that have been reduced
by commissions or other expenses directly related to the sale. Net proceeds
from a security's sale are calculated by multiplying the security's price by
the result derived from subtracting the brokerage commission and any taxes or
other fees realized from the sale from the number of shares sold
So, they are taking THEIR CUT
(commission) after expenses, and who knows how big that "commission"
is, and giving the NET PROCEEDS to the charity, probably much less than the
"Karla", the women who posts for them, obviously
cannot spell, and uses the term "HOOAH" after each post sent me a
nasty message before blocking me, telling me that I am "uneducated"
and that she "was in the Army ... HOOAH", so that apparently makes
everything OK. If they are so eager to block and insult me, what are they
afraid of except of the TRUTH and being exposed as SCAM ARTISTS, using public
sentiment toward the military and Veterans as a come-on?
By the way ... it should be "Let's Find 1 Million People to Support Severely Injured Veterans", not "Lets
Find 1 Million People to Support Severly Injured Veterans" ... who is the
uneducated one now Karla?
As you can see from their page, they are quick to point out that anybody
disagreeing with them will be BLOCKED, so they have apparently run into
problems before. Here is what they claim on Facebook: